Things: Makerspace • IoT • Embedded • Arduino • Electronics • 3D Printing • CAD & 3D Modeling • Interactive Art • Freelance • Maker • Metalworking • Woodworking • Machining • Consulting • Welding • STEAM Education • etc.
Spent years as the CTO, Education coordinater, teacher, IT, & developer for the Hacker Lab makerspace in Sacramento, CA.
Technical consult & fabricator for interactive art installations, works on proof-of-concept electronics designs & hobby projects.
Status: In-Progress, source files on github.
RGB leds arranged to simulate the look of a 7 segment display.
Raspberry Pi & ESP32 based controllers.
ESP32 version features: realtime clock, syncs to a network time server, supports various time display animations.
Raspberry Pi version features: all ESP32 features plus: 3.5mm audio jack and 5V relay controlled power output (for alarm audio), python library for controlling display & alarm functionality (in-progress).
Motivation: I wanted an alarm that syncs with my various calendars (google, protonmail, etc) capable of ‘smart’ functionality like adjusting alarm time based on calendar events & traffic conditions, etc., but wanted those calculations to happen locally (i.e. not google now/similar). Love the look of 7 segment displays but wanted a bit more control of the display.
Construction: PCBs for controllers (ESP32 based & Raspberry Pi cape), 7 segment digits are custom PCBs with APA102 addressable LEDs (3 per segment), daisy-chain-able. 3D Printed shrouds & laser cut acrylic diffuser front, all in a stylish wooden box.
Nothing here yet.
Nothing here yet.