IoT Clock w/RGB 7 Segment Digits

Posted on July 24th, 2022

Basic animation mask displayed
Basic animation mask running on assembled esp32 based version of the clock.

Status: In-Progress, source files on github.

RGB leds arranged to simulate the look of a 7 segment display.

singled rgb digit in shroud
Single RGB APA102 7-seg-like digit in a 3D printed shroud.

Raspberry Pi & ESP32 based controllers.

ESP32 version features: realtime clock, syncs to a network time server, supports various time display animations.

Raspberry Pi version features: all ESP32 features plus: 3.5mm audio jack and 5V relay controlled power output (for alarm audio), python library for controlling display & alarm functionality (in-progress).

Motivation: I wanted an alarm that syncs with my various calendars (google, protonmail, etc) capable of ‘smart’ functionality like adjusting alarm time based on calendar events & traffic conditions, etc., but wanted those calculations to happen locally (i.e. not google now/similar). Love the look of 7 segment displays but wanted a bit more control of the display.

Construction: PCBs for controllers (ESP32 based & Raspberry Pi cape), 7 segment digits are custom PCBs with APA102 addressable LEDs (3 per segment), daisy-chain-able. 3D Printed shrouds & laser cut acrylic diffuser front, all in a stylish wooden box.

Front view turned off
Front view with display turned off
Back view with cover open
Back view with cover open

Closeup of ESP32 based controller
Closeup of ESP32 based controller
ESP32 controller board layout
ESP32 controller schematic
Raspberry Pi hat version of the controller
Raspberry Pi hat version of the controller
Closeup of how the case is fastened together
Closeup of how the case is fastened together
Un-shrouded boards color cycling
Individual digit layout
Individual digit schematic. Will add caps on next revision.
Digit shroud front
Digit shroud back


Posted on July 10th, 2022

Nothing here yet.


Posted on July 10th, 2022

Nothing here yet.